OLSAT Test Results Mailed for New York City Gifted and Talented Program!

The NYC Department of education delivered results for the Otis Lennon School Abilities Test and the Bracken test to anxious parents in New York City for acceptance into the gifted and talented program. The NYC DOE actually gets an A++ for sending out the results early this year! The test results for the OLSAT and Bracken were originally scheduled to be released in May so the Dept. of Education Gifted and Talented department gets an A+ this year!  According to the DOE web site:

Score reports for elementary school students who took Gifted & Talented exams will be mailed to families beginning Tuesday, April 26. Families who applied online will receive score reports by email and standard mail. The deadline for families to apply to elementary school Gifted & Talented programs is Tuesday, May 10. 

Here’s what we’ve heard from a few of our TestingMom.com members today:

Parent in Manhattan at 8:02 am this morning: “Not sure if you heard, but they e-mailed the results at around 12:20AM today.  Our child did okay but not “great.”  On the Bracken, did awesome.  He got 82/88, putting him in the 99% BUT his OLSAT was not as high.  For verbal he got 10/14, and with Non-Verbal he got 17/26, for a total of 27/40, which put him in the 90%.  As you had noted OLSAT is 75% and Bracken is 25%, so his combined G&T Percentile rank was 94%.  To apply for the Citywide Gifted programs, he needed a 97%.”
Parent in Queens at 9:17am this morning: “My kid got selected in G & T, though cannot access scores online for some reason. There is no option to put pin number after logging into their website. Called DOE, they said score reports will be sent by postal service also, so waiting on that.  THANK YOU, I just followed on your suggestion. Didn’t send her to any enrichment classes, very expensive on our budget :(. We are currently staying in district 26, bayside, have a good zoned school nearby.”
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