OLSAT® Level C

OLSAT® Level C is administered to grade-two students. OLSAT® Level C is a multiple choice type of exam that measures your child’s verbal, nonverbal and reasoning abilities. The scores for each section are combined to form the School Ability Index score. As a parent, you should know that OLSAT® Level C tests focuses on the following areas:

  • Verbal comprehension on following directions
  • Verbal reasoning skills involving auditory and mathematics analysis
  • Pictoral reasoning skills like: picture analogy and classification
  • Figural reasoning skills which contains figural classification, analogy and series, and pattern matrix
  • IQ tests


Parents are encouraged to help their grade two kids in preparing for OLSAT® Level C exams. A number of helpful practice tests are available. You can purchase from the OLSAT® website itself or to educational materials website like Aristotle Circle.  OLSAT® Level C practice exercise manuals consist of subtests which are almost the same as that of the actual test itself. Additionally, it also includes parent’s guide, instruction booklet and answers as well as valuable tips to help your 2nd grader through his or her OLSAT® Level C tests.

OLSAT level is for second grade

Administered to children in the second grade, the OLSAT level C test is a very useful tool for teachers, administrators and parents alike. This examination is intended to measure aspects of learning not typically covered in many schools, such as verbal comprehension and problem solving abilities. Level C is administered in two formats; part of the test is read aloud to students, while the other parts are worked independently.


If you are seeking to help your child prepare for an upcoming OLSAT level C test, you can visit http://www.brighthubeducation.com/student-assessment-tools/2577-what-is-the-otis-lennon-school-ability-test/ for an overview of the test itself. The OLSAT, which stands for Otis-Lennon School Abilities Test, is a difficult test, and is challenging for children no matter what their age. The material on the test is substantively difficult, and also mixed up so that children encounter different kinds of questions in a randomized order that forces them to think on their feet.


Materials for test prep are available at a variety of retailers, with packages specific to each of the different levels.


The OLSAT level C is used for several purposes. If you are attempting to enroll your student in a private school or advanced courses, the OLSAT may be used as part of an entrance examination process.  The test is also commonly used to assess students’ progress as they move through grades. In some cases, areas for improvement are identified by the test, allowing administrators and teachers to collaborate on finding the best way to provide extra assistance.


As mentioned previously, Level C of the Otis-Lennon School Abilities Test is targeted toward children in the second grade. The OLSAT Level A is designed for children in pre-kindergarten and kindergarten, and Level B is for children in the first grade. It can be helpful to practice questions slightly below your child’s level, just to get her comfortable with the format of the test.

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