OLSAT Level B is the aptitude test for first grade students who are about to enter their second grade. Like other OLSAT level tests, it is a multiple choice exam which measures the child’s verbal and nonverbal skills. OLSAT Level B assesses first-graders’ verbal comprehension, which includes the ability to following directions. Verbal reasoning abilities are also examined through the aural and arithmetic section of the OLSAT Level B exams.  The OLSAT Level B also evaluates the child’s nonverbal skills by testing them in picture classification and analogies. OLSAT Level B exams also measure the student’s figural reasoning through figural analogies, classification and series, and pattern matrix.

Parents can get OLSAT Level B practice exercises to prepare their children for the exam by subscribing to TestingMom.com. Most of our practice tests for OLSAT Level B have 60 to 68 questions, separated into 9 sub-tests—which is similar to the actual exam. Practice exercises for OLSAT Level B test also include helpful OLSAT instruction, an answer book for parents, and a performance guideline to help parents in assessing their children’s OLSAT Level-B needs. 

First grade level of OLSAT test

olsat level b boy studyingolsat level b boy studying

Intended for children in the first grade, the OLSAT level B examination provides educators and parents with many valuable insights into a student’s learning abilities. Information on the test itself can be found at http://www.brighthubeducation.com/student-assessment-tools/2577-what-is-the-otis-lennon-school-ability-test/. The OLSAT is broken down into seven levels. The first two are read aloud to students, while the higher levels are not.

Instead of testing universally taught subjects such as reading, math or science, the OLSAT level B determines comprehension and reasoning. Thinking skills, math-based reasoning, quantitative reasoning and verbal comprehension are all included.

Purposes for administering the OLSAT level B vary between different institutions. Some schools use the OLSAT as part of their entrance examinations. Others administer the test once students have been accepted, in order to determine their placement. Still others utilize the OLSAT to periodically assess how well a student is learning and progressing, both individually and as compared to other students in their age range. OLSAT results can be helpful in determining if a student would benefit from advanced placement or gifted courses or, in some cases, identifying an area in which the student requires extra assistance.

There are a number of ways to help prepare your child for the OLSAT, all of which you should take into consideration. There are many books and websites that provide practice questions that mimic the questions that your child is likely to encounter on the OLSAT test. There are also games and activities that help build the same skills that are measured on the OLSAT. These are great ways of making OLSAT practice both practical and fun. There are online games as well as games that you can play around the kitchen table or even while lounging in the park.

It’s also a good idea to explain the mechanics of testing to your child. Drive or walk by the testing site and explain to your child that this is where the test will take place. This will decrease your child’s anxiety and get him or her ready to get into testing mode.

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