NYC Dept of Ed Gifted and Talented Program – Parent Info. Session in Queens!

Tonight there was a NYC gifted and talented program information in Queens at Long Island City High School. Parents streamed into the auditorium to hear representatives from the NYC Department of Education give an overview of the gifted and talented program, OLSAT test procedures, transportation to gifted and talented schools in NYC along with a few other questions about the process. The crowd was estimated at 250 stressed-out parents hoping their child will receive a coveted seat in the NYC Gifted and Talented program for next school year.  The parents I spoke to were very nice and excited about hearing about TestingMom.com but I could tell they were on-edge as they headed to the auditorium. The G&T stress levels are on high-alert even though testing is over 2 months away. The DOE provided the gifted and talented handbooks but there were hundreds unused by the time the session was almost over. I even got to meet some parents who are Top 1% and Top 5% members on TestingMom.com!   ~ Michael

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