New York City Dept of Ed. Gifted and Talented Info. sessions in Staten Island

Team TestingMom.com made it to last week’s NYC DOE Information Session in Staten Island, held at New Dorp High School! Last year, we were the ONLY ones who ventured out of Manhattan to visit our friends in Staten Island but this year it looks like others followed our lead by showing up with their schwag.

While not nearly as crowded as the Information Session at Brandeis High School in Manhattan that tension was in the air as parents pondered the thought of “Is my child gifted and talented?” as they paced one-by-one into the auditorium. Only the OLSAT test results will reveal their child’s gifts and talents next May. We were still able to observe parents going to gather information about the NYC Gifted and Talented Education program, many staying until the very end of the Q&A session.


A large number of these hopeful parents, like those at the Manhattan Information Session, also took TestingMom.com’s  free OLSAT practice questions distributed by our street team! Now we’re off to Brooklyn and the Bronx to wrap it up!

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