Karen and Michael Answer Questions of the Week (Audio Teleseminar Dec. 2, 2010) – Top 1% and Top 5%

Listen to the teleseminar above. Here are the questions answered during this 31 minute teleseminar.

  • My child did great on the Stanford Binet and ERB.  Now it is time for the OLSAT and Bracken.  Can I assume she will perform just as well?
  • I would like to talk about 2 letters I got from parents this week, one whose son turned out to have a hearing problem, the other whose daughter turned out to have a vision problem.  [so please ask me about these]
  • We did your OLSAT home assessment and my daughter did very poorly on the Verbal Reasoning Math section.  She can’t seem to grasp those at all.  What can I do to help her prepare?
  • I live in Chicago and I’m trying to figure out which schools my daughter might qualify for.  I’ve got the names of the private schools and our zoned school (which I hear has class sizes of 38 in which case I wouldn’t be interested).  There are a few schools nearby that I’ve heard will let kids in that are outside the zone, but I’m not sure.  Then, I know there are Charter schools but our district’s website is so confusing that I can’t find out what I need.  Do you have advice on how to pick the best schools to apply to?
  • What is “2E kids”? Who is the “accelerated learner”? Sorry, I’m not familiar with the lingo. Also, what is exactly “a gifted child”. If a child is in a NYC G&T program, they are not necessarily “gifted” in the true sense of the word but rather, above average, no?
  • My younger daughter is smart,funny,adorable 4 yr.old.However,she isn’t gifted,like probably other 99% of her peers.I am totally OK with it.She might pass OLSAT and be accepted to gifted program or not.I am not making a big deal out of it,but invest time and try to make her ready for the test.
  • I am not sure either of my kids is “gifted” so I am not even certain some of these workshops would apply to my kids. My son has “tested” gifted but so far has not required any special accomodations in his classroom (there are accelerated reading and math groups in his class), so maybe he’s just a bright kid?
  • Karen’s game is too expensive. I spoke to many parents who just won’t pay that high price.
  • What is the best thing to teach my child to say or do if he doesn’t know the answer to a question (he is taking the OLSAT-Bracken test for the NYC G&T programs)
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