Karen and Michael Answer Questions of the Week (Audio Teleseminar Dec. 16, 2010) – Top 1% and Top 5%
[audio:https://cdn.testingmom.com/uploads/Karen-Michael-weekly-QA-dec16-2010.mp3]Listen to the teleseminar above. Here are the questions answered during this 33 minute teleseminar.
- When does the school notify the parents when their child will take the exam? I know the dates for next year, I am looking for a time period. i.e.: one week before the exam etc?
- Will my daughter take the exam with one or more examiners or will it be 1 on 1? She is in public school.
- When answering the questions, does the child mark an answer sheet or tell the examiner verbally? If verbally, does the examiner mark the answer sheet?
- Can the child change her answer before the examiner moves on to the next question?
- Will the parents see the exam and her answers after the examination?
- We’ve been getting a lot of questions from parents about workbooks they are thinking of buying to prepare their kids for the OLSAT and Bracken tests. One mother wanted to know if she should buy the Jr. Test Prep bundle, another wanted to know if she was better off buying the Aristotle Circle OLSAT book or just a bunch of Diana Draze workbooks on analogies.
- Do you have any insight into what happens at Hunter for Round 2 of Testing?
- We live in Quebec and love the questions you send each day and your game, IQ Fun Park. It helped our 4 year old do well on the OLSAT and get into the private school we wanted him to attend. The problem is our 6 year old. He took the OLSAT last year and didn’t do well because he had trouble concentrating. He’s going to take it again in the spring. Is he too old for IQ Fun Park? What else can I do to help him focus better when he’s tested?
- My daughter is having trouble with the verbal math questions for the OLSAT. I keep trying to practice with her using the workbook we bought but she’s not getting it. What do I do?
- Our elementary school has informed us that they will be testing our son using a test called the MAP. Do you have any insight or familiarity with this test?