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WISC IQ Test Prep | Increase Odds of Gifted

Because the WISC-V (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Fifth Edition) is a traditional intelligence test, psychologists and school administrators prefer that children are not told in advance that they’re taking an IQ test. If you can, avoid using the words “test prep” or “IQ” or “test practice” in front of your child! Instead, call your practice sessions something like “Brain Games” or “Smart Puzzles” — whatever your child already shows an interest in, try to incorporate that theme into your overall routine. (Especially avoid saying any of the subtest names around your child, because test proctors want to ensure that no students have been exposed to the materials that are actually on the WISC-V subtests.) Luckily, our resources are similar but not identical to the questions your child will see when he or she is tested. It’s best not to get into a discussion with the proctor about your preparation methods before the exam is administered.

Kids love to play video games on laptops or iPads, so you can feel confident letting your child practice as much as he or she likes using the interactive questions we offer online in Digital Tutor.

One fun way to prepare for the WISC Test is playing games with design blocks like the ones found here. These blocks are similar to the pattern questions that are asked on the WISC test and can help build the necessary skills needed to excel on these types of questions.

We also strongly recommend using workbooks and educational games to practice with, such as the ones available from Aristotle Circle. As an added bonus, all Fast Track memberships include a 20% discount on these products when purchased through our store. Other fun ways to prepare for the WISC Test are playing games with design blocks that are similar to the pattern questions that are asked on the actual test.

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3 Tips to Make WISC-V Prep Fun

  • Read to your child daily and let your child see you reading for pleasure at home.
    An expansive vocabulary really helps kids do well on this test, and if you speak more than one language at home, even better! Praise your child for using new or unusual words correctly, like “exuberance,” “uncomplicated” or “geological,” and if you feel like doing so, purchase a “word a day” calendar and practice learning and using each new one together.
  •  Ask your child plenty of open-ended questions.
    Doing this does two things for little kids: It allows them to formulate complete thoughts and compose meaningful sentences before answering. “What do you think your Kindergarten teacher will be like?” or “Why do you think clouds are sometimes different colors in the sky?” are just a couple of fun examples to get you started.
  • Encourage gameplay, whether it’s on the playground, playing board games or even video games.
    If you’re worried about too much screen time, even games like Candyland, tag or Marco Polo can teach key skills that will help on the WISC-V, like: building attention span, anticipation (e.g., “Whose turn is it? Where does my piece move next?”), managing unexpected information and stimulus discrimination (“This person isn’t my target, I’d better keep searching the pool!”).

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How To Prepare for the Wechsler IQ Test | Wechsler IQ Test

[…] Testing Mom […]

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