Frugal NNAT Test Prep Strategy

Many parents believe that the lack of sufficient financial resources makes providing NNAT test prep materials for their children impossible. This is actually not the case. With a bit of creative thinking and some problem solving skills of their own, parents can help their children learn these same skills in preparation for the NNAT test.

Familiarize yourself with the kinds of questions that appear on the NNAT test and then look for resources that draw on the same types of cognitive skills. There are plenty of free and low cost NNAT test prep resources available to parents on a tighter budget. Here are just a couple of the frugal options to consider adding to an NNAT test prep strategy.

Check out the resources available on sites like Amazon.com and eBay. While NNAT test-specific books and learning materials may be priced a bit high on these sites, a bit of outside-the-box-thinking by parents can lead to some great finds. Puzzle books and workbooks, visual reasoning toys and games, and other items with low price tags can help students exercise their nonverbal thinking abilities in preparation for the NNAT test.

Local dollar stores can also be exceptional for finding budget-friendly NNAT test prep resources. Check the activity books section for ones that contain pattern recognition puzzles and other visually-oriented learning materials. You may be surprised how many of these inexpensive books offer puzzles that are quite similar in appearance and objectives to the actual questions on the NNAT test. 

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