Free NNAT-2 Test Resources
Not every parent is able to provide their children a private tutor for preparing to take the NNAT-2 Test or any other IQ assessment test, for that matter. This point is one of great contention, particularly when it comes to very competitive school districts in which only a small percentage of students are admitted to gifted and talented programs.
Many argue that the admittance criteria for gifted and talented programs is skewed by the performance of students whose parents can afford private tutors, expensive test preparation kits and other examination study materials. Essentially, the argument is that children from poorer families are underrepresented in gifted and talented programs at least partially due to the lack of adequate NNAT-2 test prep resources.
What can turn the tide, according to some parents, is the availability of free NNAT-2 test resources on the internet and from other sources. Free resources are available from individual parents interested in building a community-focus on parental involvement in student motivation and improved test performance and gifted and talented representation for the traditionally underserved. Blogs and forum communities are among the best places to find these kinds of free NNAT-2 Test resources. There are also many school districts provide free NNAT-2 Test questions and other resources on the internet for any parent to access.