erb testerb test

With their network extending to roughly 2,000 schools around the world, the ERB test NYC company Educational Records Bureau distributes is a very common test for students worldwide. The tests are commonly used to determine early admittance to college and admittance to highly selective public schools.

Unfortunately for many students, an error in the way tests were scored led to inaccurately low scores being reported for a large number of test-takers in 2010. These false scores were not discovered until after schools had mailed out their acceptance (or denial) letters, and it’s assumed that many students were unfairly denied admission. If you’d like more information on the ERB ISEE test, you can visit this site.

That incident led many parents to be distrustful of test scores in general. Unfortunately, that sentiment was reinforced for many parents after a scoring error in the 2012 New York City gifted and talented test. There, the test prep company Pearson made an error which led to hundreds of students being told that they did not qualify for the program – when in fact they did.

That error sent many already-stressed parents into panic mode, left waiting to find out whether their children had made the cut for the NYC program. The mess ultimately led to a lawsuit and a delay in the release of scores. There was even talk of New York City severing its contract with Pearson.

Rather than discourage you from allowing your child to take standardized tests, these unfortunate incidents should serve as a reminder. If you feel your child has been unfairly scored, don’t be afraid to stand up and ask for a copy of her test, along with a scoring key. Working together with school administration, most inaccurate scores can be cleared up in this manner.  It never hurts to ask – and, in the worst case scenario, it could affect your child’s placement.

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