Creating Social Studies Practice Questions for ELA Common Core Tests

When faced with an upcoming ELA standardized test, every parent’s natural instinct is to help their child prepare. Today’s academic environment is much more competitive than in years past, and standardized testing is a huge part of each students success or failure. While many regard them as annoying or too frequent, there’s no way around the fact that standardized tests are, at least for the time being, here to stay.

Specific ELA Prep

A breakdown of ELA testing subjects in different fields can be found at This is only one state’s adopted standards, so be sure to check which standards have been rejected or accepted by your state before you begin purchasing or creating at-home study materials.

ELA Common Core testing is very different than most of the other standardized tests your child will take this year. While several subjects, including history, social studies, science and math, are included along with English language skills, a heavy focus on literacy is found throughout each subject.

When purchasing study materials, there are several things to consider. Ensure that the package you purchase has been specifically designed for the ELA Common Core tests. Next, check with your child’s school officials or go online to determine which, if any, modifications have been made. The State Standards Initiative, the initiative behind the tests, gives each state the option to reject or accept sections; they can also add subjects which they feel are important. Knowing precisely what will be tested is a huge part of preparation. Buying only from reputable vendors is also crucial when shopping online. Ask other parents, your child’s teachers or a trusted review website to help you find a reliable source of study materials 

If you choose to create social studies practice questions at home as either a replacement or a supplement to purchased materials, simply use your child’s social studies textbook. Seek out questions by finding pieces of text which include both English language skills and more traditional facts, dates and figures.

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