Common Core Test Prep Questions

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The State Standards Initiative Common Core test battery is relatively new in the world of standardized tests, but quickly being accepted by states across the US. As with any standardized test, preparation is key. Here we’ll review the goals of the Common Core and some ideas on helping your child prepare for testing day.

What is the Common Core?

The Common Core is a set of standardized tests which focus on subjects which are believed to be central, or ‘core,’ to a quality and well-rounded education. The Core was created through a collaboration between the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) and the National Governors Association (NGA), with the assistance and support of many educational and academic experts across the country.

The Initiative was designed to address a disturbing trend which has plagued the US for years – high school seniors graduating without some very basic skills. These skills, which include English language arts skills and math, are some which both college professors and employers expect a graduate to possess; very little tolerance is given to graduates who don’t possess these skills, putting them at a huge disadvantage in college and the workforce.

By testing core subjects at every grade level, the Initiative aims to create generations of students who are consistently fully equipped to succeed in the ‘real world’ after high school.

Helping Your Child Succeed

There are many options available for parents who wish to help their students in common core test prep. Ready-made study guides and packages are available in both hard-copy and software-based formats. They are also available tailored to each state and each grade level.

Since common core test prep can get expensive, especially when combined with the other standardized tests which most students take throughout the year, many parents have begun combining free common core test prep questions, such as those found at, with ‘homemade’ prep questions. Creating your own common core test prep questions is relatively simple, especially since the common core is based on students’ curriculum learning. By reading through your child’s current textbooks and selecting pieces of text which include both English language arts questions and fact-based questions, you can create a very effective study guide for free.

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