Cognitive Abilities Test Implications for the Average Student

The Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) is an exam that measures student abilities. Specifically, the CogAT Test assesses student abilities to make rational associations, including the ability to see a connection or interrelatedness between multiple concepts.

The CogAT consists of three portions, each of which measures reasoning abilities in different ways and shows a student’s ability to utilize reasoning skills when presented with “problems” or “challenges” in these learning formats. The three sections of the CogAT include: verbal, nonverbal and quantitative reasoning. In each section of the test, there are CogAT practice test questions given which are not factored into the student’s scores but allow him or her to get used to the format before the formal, timed exam section begins.

The average student will see many different implications arise from performance on the CogAT. These can include admittance to a progressive education program or gifted program; assignment to a particular “catch-up” course in reading, mathematics, or other subjects; or simply being pushed or challenged by teachers in an effort to tap into the potential that was disclosed by CogAT Test scores.

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