Can the Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test Help My Child?
For many parents, the decision of whether or not to test their child’s intelligence is a difficult one. Some parents feel that a low score may impair their child’s self-esteem and create self-image issues as they develop. Others don’t want their child to be labeled as “gifted” simply because of the potential teasing of other students.
However, testing a child’s intelligence is one of the best things a parent can do to foster learning and development. A low score doesn’t need to be revealed to the child if there are serious concerns about self-image. That low score can also be the first step toward necessary supplemental education.
A high score does not mean that the child will be ostracized. In fact, if the child scores extremely highly, he or she will most likely be recommended for gifted or enrichment classes, filled with children with similar levels of intelligence. These classes offer the proper environment for a gifted child to thrive and feel challenged.